Villu Reiljan, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Estonia, and Dominique Marbouty, Director of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), signed a co-operation agreement in Tallinn, Estonia, on 7 November 2005. Jaan Saar, Director General of the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, attended the signing ceremony.
The ECMWF is an independent international organisation now supported by 27 European States. At its headquarters in Reading, United Kingdom, a supercomputer complex is linked by high-speed telecommunication lines to the computer systems of the national weather services of its supporting States. Its computer system contains the world’s largest archive of numerical weather prediction data, and runs the world’s most sophisticated medium-range prediction model of the global atmosphere and oceans.The ECMWF provides medium-range forecasts of the global weather and ocean waves to ten days ahead, and seasonal forecasts to six months ahead, to the weather services.
Mr Marbouty said: “The worldwide leadership of the ECMWF in the field of Numerical Weather Prediction is based on close collaboration with the European meteorological community. All nations now recognise the necessity of improving the quality and accuracy of advance warning of floods, gales and other severe weather events. I am looking forward to closer collaboration with the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute in extending the use of our medium-range and seasonal weather forecasts for the benefit of the people of Estonia.”
Mr. Reiljan stated: “The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is the world leader in its area of scientific and technical expertise. The European Centre’s products will greatly assist the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute to fulfil its mission including the protection of life and property. I am confident that both the ECMWF and the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute will benefit from their close co-operation in meteorology.”
Mr. Saar said: “This Co-operation Agreement is a significant milestone for meteorology in Estonia. The data from the ECMWF supercomputer system will be vital for improving the overall quality of our forecasting, and for our warning services in advising of the likelihood of extreme weather events. Our meteorological staff will benefit from extending their contacts with their colleagues at the ECMWF. We will be using the Centre’s products to extend both the range and the validity of our forecasts to the benefit of the people of Estonia. We very much welcome this Agreement.”
DirectorEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastsShinfield ParkReading RG2 9AX
United Kingdom
Director GeneralEstonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,Rävala 810143 Tallinn
Republic of Estonia
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