The presentation of the bibliography of Professor Heino Tooming will take place on November 29 at 15.00 in the auditorium of Estonian Geographical Society, Kohtu str. 6, Tallinn.
Prof. Heino Tooming had an idea to publish the list of his publications himself but it remained unrealised. His work has been finished by his colleagues. Bibliography comprises also photographs and reminiscences as well as views of professor´s work written down by 36 authors in Estonian, English or Russian.
Volume IX of Estonian Geographical Societies publications Heino Tooming. Bibliography 1956-2007. Reminiscences was completed with collaboration of EGS, Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, financial support for printing came from Environmental Investment Centre.
The book can be ordered from Estonian Geographical Society, Kohtu str. 6, Tallinn 10130 or [email protected]. The book is free of charge. If you use any kind of delivery service you have to pay the cost of carriage.
Additional information about the bibliography and its digital version (will be public after the presentation) can be found on publications webpage from our website.
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